Lancashire Business View Health and Wellbeing Conference

April 9, 2021

Lancashire Business View Health and Wellbeing Conference

On April 8th, 2021 I was delighted to be a part of the Lancashire Business View Health and Wellbeing Conference.

This event was organised to raise awareness of the importance of health and wellbeing in the workplace covering both physical and mental health discussions.

The health and wellbeing of employees has never been a higher priority for businesses, and this event brought together a panel of key business experts to discuss health and wellbeing issues they face and how they have innovated to deal with challenges in this area and Lancashire’s health and wellbeing professionals to share their knowledge and advice on keeping workforces healthy and happy.

With key themes of wellbeing strategies for remote and hybrid working, employee engagement, returning to work strategies and at work strategies the event provided excellent insight to business owners and managers on up-to-date issues.

If you missed out the full event can be viewed here: Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Conference - YouTube

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