
About Ross

Ross McWilliam

BA Hons. MSc, PGCE, CMi Dip Man, MHFA England
During my career, I’ve experienced my fair share of knockbacks, yet I have still not only survived these but used them to help me get closer to success.

In my earlier life, I suffered severe acne scarring that affected my mindset, experienced a catastrophic knee and ankle injury, which has left me partially disabled, and in daily pain. I’ve also suffered from mild depression and clinically diagnosed and treated panic attacks, but I overcame these setbacks by understanding how to craft my Mind Armour.
Over the past 30 years, I’ve worked with various notable companies in the UK and sometimes overseas. My career has included high-performance sports coaching in Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Canada and the USA; a teaching career in Schools, Colleges and Universities around the UK; and being Commercial Manager & Match Day Corporate Host within professional football.

Wherever I’ve worked, I’ve found fulfilment in coaching and developing the people around me. I have a clear insight into engaging with people at all stages of their careers, from school pupils to young professionals, senior professionals and business leaders. When you authentically care for people and have the necessary knowledge and experiences, learning and progress are natural followers.

My keynote speeches, training, and coaching programmes will ignite a positive change and give people and organisations the tools they need to build their better future.
Click here to read more about how I have probably changed a Million Lives. 

Accreditations & Achievements

BA Hons, MSc, PGCE, CMI Dip Man

Mental Health England Accredited (MHFA)

Articles featured in the Times Educational Supplement, Sec Ed, Headteacher Update, Ed Excel, BETT International, CIT Conference & Incentive Travel, In Touch with Business Magazine

Spoken at various Regional and National Educational Conferences such as NAHT, ISBL, LASBM, Havering Education Authority Conference, Cheltenham Headteachers Conference, Blackpool Heads Conference, North West Heads Conference, Brussels Conference
Get in touch for a chat, and let me help you discover your talents to reach your potential.

My Legacy

Everything I’ve done and achieved in my life is dedicated to the memory of my parents. Their support and unconditional love was the foundation upon which I grew and developed physically, emotionally and intellectually. The passing of my father in 2012, (sadly followed 3 months later, by my beautiful niece Danni) and my mother in 2017 were the catalysts for my CUPPA book series.
My characters, Chris, Katy and Alex Cupsworth, are helping children reach their potential in life and develop a belief in themselves which I believe is a precious gift.
Katy Cupsworth book had been nominated for the Peoples Book Award (Children) 2021.

To read more about my books visit – cuppajourney.com

Preston North End FC

Ross was the Commercial Manager at Preston North End for over 5 years and as part of his role, he interviewed many famous faces at Deepdale Stadium, such as, Craig Brown, Tommy Docherty, Mark Lawrenson, David Moyes, Billy Davis, Russell Watson, Jasper Carrot, Richard Cabon, Sir Roger Hunt, Jim Bowen, Mick Miller and many more. 

Clients Include

Industry Expert

I’ve become the regional go-to expert for BBC and ITV news teams and been interviewed on matters of mental health and well-being.

During the COVID lockdown, I was often sought after to provide an expert opinion on how people can manage their mental health and mindset during those difficult times.


An experienced professional who gently gains trust, puts the client at ease, and then uses his expertise to unlock performance potential.
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