
Coaching for Business

Coaching for Performance

Coaching in business is about working one-on-one with key leaders to create better performance outcomes. We create knowledge transfer sharing pathways, identify appropriate training needs and facilitate greater self-awareness so leaders can make crucial changes.

Who do I coach?

I coach people at all levels in a business and every stage of their career. Having an external third-party to communicate with, build self-awareness, and share an understanding of potential change options and even just bounce ideas off is ideal for any thriving business. I do this in confidence and non-judgmentally.

Typically, I coach:
  • CEO/Board level executives
  • Senior managers
  • Middle managers
  • Young professionals / rising stars

Coaching Programmes

My coaching programmes aren’t set in stone as I tailor them to match bespoke requirements. Here are some examples of the programmes I run. I am happy to also chat and talk through options with you.

Click on the courses below to download more information.

Coaching for Education

Coaching for Performance

Coaching for education is a diverse activity. From onboarding new staff, upskilling existing staff and developing leaders, there are many areas where one-on-one or small group coaching can be beneficial.

Creating a powerful mindset is essential for both staff and students to grow their abilities and confidence.

Who do I coach?

I coach educational professionals at all levels and every stage of their career. Having an external third-party to communicate with, build self-awareness, understand and discuss the latest educational updates and trends, share an understanding of potential change options, and even bounce ideas off is ideal for any thriving educational organisation. I do this in confidence and non-judgmentally.

Typically, I coach:
  • Headteachers & senior leaders
  • Heads of department
  • Initial teacher training including NQT and RQT
  • School support staff

Coaching Programmes

Coaching programmes are always different, depending on who needs coaching and their specific needs, so I make my sessions bespoke to your requirements. It’s better for me to talk to you to understand your requirements or challenges, then I can see where my coaching will be most effective.

Here are a few examples of my coaching programmes:

Click on the courses below to download more information.

Young Professionals

Every young person who first enters a professional business, education or even a sporting environment needs guidance.
The success rate in their chosen profession can be influenced significantly by the quality of their initial training and coaching.

Working one-to-one or in small groups, I use a mixture of presentations, open challenges, role modelling, peer interaction, 360-degree feedback and meta-cognition techniques to ensure progress and success during the onboarding process.

Sometimes I lead from the front; other times, I’ll sit back and observe. The one constant is that all of this knowledge transfer is delivered in an engaging style where I am authentic and empathetic to the learner’s needs, the learners trust me, each other, and the process.

Who do I work with?

Anyone who is starting their career:
  • College leavers
  • University graduates
  • Apprentices in business and professional sport
  • National citizenship service trainees
  • Newly qualified teachers & recently qualified teachers
  • Interns

Coaching Programmes

Having worked in business, education, and sport for over thirty years, I’ve amassed a tremendous amount of knowledge which I’m continuously updating. I’ve shared Young Professionals’ successes and helped them through difficult times. I know that one size does not fit all, and I am continually reviewing what delegates need and applying those changes.

Click on the courses below to download more information.
Contact me now to book a no-obligation, exploratory call.
All my programmes can be delivered via online platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.


An experienced professional who gently gains trust, puts the client at ease, and then uses his expertise to unlock performance potential.
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Website by JForth